Thursday, November 25, 2004

Stock Phrase Market Update #1

Raft of Measures: 97 (+1, Hi 97, Lo 96)
So To Speak: 1770 (new)
The Holy Grail: 753 (-31, Hi 784, Lo 753)
The New Black: 144 (+2, Hi 144, Lo 142)
The Rest is History: 334 (+17, Hi 334, Lo 317)
Will Never Be The Same Again: 82 (new)

Source: Number of result from the Google News search box. Phrases are entered in quotation marks.

The smart money today avoided The Holy Grail, whose stock fell sharply in the previous twenty four hours to 753. But there was good news for The Rest is History, thanks to a motley collection of news stories about everything from an epidemic in Quebec to low cost, reliable and efficient bar code scanner modules.

There were two new entries in the stock phrase market today – Will Never Be The Same Again, a poor performer since the aftermath of Princess Diana's death subsided, and So To Speak, currently riding high at a massive 1770. Elsewhere in the market, Hell in a Hand Cart was somewhat disappointed to register merely a single result. What with Britain chock full of political correctness going mad, paedophiles, falling house prices, straight bananas, rampant gun crime, antisocial yobs, lesbians, liberals, bleeding hearts, communists, johnny foreigner and insufferable morons whose opinions are different to mine, this is a shocking result indeed.


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