Thursday, December 02, 2004

Stock Phrase Market Update #2

Share price equals the number of results from the Google News (UK) search box given by each phrase. Phrases entered in quotation marks. Changes in prices shown reflect the previous seven days. High and Low prices based on daily results.

Raft of Measures: ..83.. (-14, Hi 99, Lo 81)
So To Speak: ..1910.. (+140, Hi 1910, Lo 1740)
The Holy Grail: ..839.. (+136, Hi 839, Lo 713)
The New Black: ..145.. (+1, Hi 150, Lo 135)
The Rest is History: ..334.. (0, Hi 341, Lo 298)
Will Never Be The Same Again: ..89.. (+7, Hi 89, Lo 82)

Friday 26th November was a rich day indeed for the wise investor; our shares went up across the board. Even The Holy Grail rallied to 781 after dropping 4% on Thursday. So To Speak rose by 60 points (3.4%) to 1830, but the big winner was Will Never Be The Same Again, which rose a mammoth 7.3% to 88. For part of this we must thank Jonny Wilkinson for breaking his arm – the permanent nerve damage he sustained was easily worth it to feed our hungry portfolio with news stories. But the hunt for the letter H in his name continues.

The magic soon turned to dust. This weekend ripped huge chunks out of the portfolio… and even the stories on Friday about the actual Holy Grail -- rather than the phrase used as a metaphor -- didn't stop prices falling to their lowest levels so far. But this appears to be the nature of Google News…with fewer newspapers publishing and updating over the weekend, this will have a negative effect on number of results. So as the week progressed, prices began to climb once more, with only Raft of Measures failing to rally now that the Queen's speech is long over.

Hell in a Hand Cart has now fallen off the stock phrase market, possibly into somebody's coffee.


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